Expression of "Asking & Giving Something"
1. To ask for things, we can use the following sentences:
- Can I…., please?
- May I…., please?
- Can you…., please?
Miss Indah: Danu, can you help me, please? [Danu, dapatkah kamu membantu ibu?]
Danu: Yes, ma’am. What is it? [Iya bu. Bantu apa bu?]
Miss Indah: Can you get me my dictionary and absence book in the teacher’s office? [Bisakah kamu mengambilkan kamus dan buku absen ibu di kantor guru?]
Danu: All right, ma’am. [Baiklah, Bu.]
Miss Indah: It’s on my table. It’s thick and the colour is blue. It has my name on it. [Itu ada di meja ibu. Kamusnya tebal dan berwarna biru. Ada nama ibu di atasnya.]
Danu: Don’t worry ma’am. I’ll find it. [Jangan kuatir Bu. Aku akan menemukannya.]
Miss Indah: Thank you very much Danu. [Terima kasih banyak Danu.]
Danu: Never mind. [Tidak masalah Bu.]